The Universal Arts of Graphic Design | Off Book | PBS
“Up Close”
Enduring Understanding: The principles and elements of art/design can help us to understand (and create) art.
Guiding Questions:
- What are the elements of art? [line, colour, texture, value, shape, form, space] (principles in next unit)
- What makes a good composition?
- What is visual literacy and why is it important?
- What makes good design?
- Are the principles & elements of art important? Why or why not?
By the end of this unit, students will be able to:
- utilise photography and compositional skills
- revise skills in iPhoto (duplicate, edit, crop)
- Demonstrate an understanding of Elements of Art through photography
- Apply theory of principles of design to a task
Key Terms: line, colour, texture, value, shape, form, space, layout, font, alignment, proximity, contrast, space
Lesson 1
Pre-Assessment - The 30-40 minute design challenge:
Using Keynote or Pages etc., have students create a 1 page profile advertisement of themselves.
Back it up in Google Drive as a PDF or screenshot with a new folder for unit 3.
Afterwards, reflect/discuss layout, font, colour etc.
Self-Evaluate using pie graph handout.
Unit Overview
Homework: How can we take a good photo? Research.
Lesson 2
Homework review: How can we take a good photo?
List as class, then research specific terms.
Watch this video (
Task: Download the sheet below here. **Teacher to have printed copies.
Photo Scavenger Hunt (30-40mins):
- Photograph a thin line.
- Photograph a thick line.
- Photograph a zigzag line.
- Photograph a wavy/curved line.
- Photograph a straight line (include a diagonal).
- Photograph something utilising leading lines. Leading lines can include other items in the photo. An example is below:
- Photograph a circle/square/rectangle/triangle etc. (2D, not 3D)
- Photograph something creatively that utlises or showcases shape.
- *Note: shape can be created through another element of art (example: line)
- Photograph a form that has an angular sides. (3D, not 2D)
- Photograph a form that has an organic shape. (3D, not 2D)
- Photograph something that highlights a solid colour.
- Photograph something that utilises 2 colours.
- Photograph something that utilises 3 colours.
- Photograph something that has complimentary colours.
- Photograph cool colours.
- Photograph warm colours.
- Photograph things whose colour fades OR things that play with shadow/light.
- Try to photograph something that has tints/shades.
- Photograph something smooth.
- Photograph something rough.
- Photograph something soft.
- Photograph something hard.
- Photograph something prickly.
- Photograph something that includes multiple textures.
- Photograph something using negative space. (Try to have a plain background)
- Photograph something using positive space with a tight crop (by zooming in).
- Photograph something that uses the rule of thirds.
Have pairs download their pics into iPhoto and upload them to their google drive folder.
They may wish to identify the element in the file name.
Summative Project Task:
- You are a professional photographer and graphic designer.
- The Art Dept. at UWCSEA needs your help in creating display materials for the art rooms.
- You are required to create a poster using Pages (or Adobe Illustrator) on an element of art.
- Your poster will need text as well as photos taken by you.
- Having a variety of photos to illustrate your element of art is encouraged, as long as it does not hinder from your poster design.
- You will also need to include text (explaining your element of art and/or explaining how your photo captures it.)
- To create your poster, you should consider and incorporate the principles of design. Carefully consider layout/space, font etc.
Review RUBRIC.
Assign each student an element of art to further investigate. Students should research that term to include it in their poster.
What resources/search terms could we use? (Slideshare, YouTube, Pinterest, Flickr)
Homework: students should continue creatively photographing their element of art.
Read this:
(You can drag the photo to your desktop to zoom in if it is difficult to read.)

Lesson 3

What makes good design? (CARP)
What are the Principles of Design? Let's investigate and list!
How will you layout your poster? What colour scheme will you use?
Students may begin creating their poster. NOTE: Students should have a draft ready for the next lesson.
Homework: students should continue creatively photographing their element of art and work on their poster.
Lesson 4
Students continue working on their poster.
Lesson 5
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