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Page history last edited by Frank Curkovic 11 years, 3 months ago




"Art is not what you see, but what you make others see."

-Edgar Degas



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Visual Arts Curriculum


Info for:

Analysing an Image

  MS Tech Curriculum  





Blogging for

Reflection info








YIS Art Flickr Sets

by Mr. C

YIS Visual Art Blog


Keep up-to-date on the happenings in Art@YIS

YIS Art on Facebook


Art tidbits shared

*You will need to log in to view*


Find visual art ideas and resources to inspire and motivate your lessons, artwork and art curriculum. Also suitable for students.

An online forum where IB Diploma Visual Arts students engage in mutual critical feedback on each others’ Visual Arts projects.




Have a look at Advice For Students of Art


The Top 10 Mistakes Made by Art Students (via Student Art Guide)


Using a series of professional and student examples, this film explores how sketchbooks can become a personal ‘visual conversation’ that can become a valuable tool in understanding how the world is made.
The analytical nature of drawing means that by sketching regularly, we can begin to build up a visual memory to use as a resource for designing from the imagination. 

1: Keeping a Sketchbook by Pam Locker from University of Lincoln on Vimeo.



Middle Years Programme curriculum

Art Basics - The Elements of Art




Paper Size Reference:

Template Page to copy



Short Art Prompts and Projects

Grade 9 IGCSE Art

Observational Figure Drawing UPDATED

Grade 10 IGCSE Art

Grade 10 Creative interpretation unit old

Grade 11 IB Art

Grade 12 IB Art

Video Project


Archived: MS Drama



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